A new experience

He was taking her to the place he worked today. She was over the moon. She would finally get to see where he goes off everyday, so religiously. She was almost bouncing on her seat through the entire drive to his work. He laughed at her enthusiasm. “You may not even like that place so … More A new experience

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It is just noon as per the clock on the wall. But based on the ambient light in the room, it just might as well be night. The sky is clouding up and lighting is striking multiple times. Rain is dashing up my window. How do I know this? My hand is on the window … More Thunderstorm

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Fate or Choice?

Fate… and choice… two words which look so tiny but actually summarizes one human life entirely. Everything done, every step taken, every word said, every action performed… everything can be categorized into either fate or choice. There is ultimately nothing else. Or is there? There is. Fate and choice are just two sides of the … More Fate or Choice?

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