Z for Zeal

Graham was irritated today. The content changing air pressure of landing and taking off was giving him a headache. But this was his last trip and he needed the money. Flying a hot air balloon half way across Paris and back did not earn much but he made enough to go through in life. That also meant he couldn’t slack off work any day.

But it’s just one more trip. After doing 20+ trips that day, most of them with small kids bawling their eyes out at high altitude, one more won’t matter and he decided to go with it. However, when he reached the pickup point, he saw just an old man waiting for him.

“Are you Mr. Graham Joseph?”

“That’s me. I suppose you are here to take the hot air balloon ride. But would you know if there are any other passengers we are supposed to wait for before taking off?”

The old man said with a chuckle, “No, dear son, I am the only one for this ride. I had asked for a personal trip and paid the additional requested costs.”

This sure was a strange old man, thought Graham, but all in a day’s work, he decided. After all, who was he to question an old man’s whims and fancies? His money, his terms, and all he had to do were fly the balloon for his payment.

The man was really old with shaky fingers and even more shaky feet. Graham had to guide him at every step and also ensure that the man’s passport does not fall off his fingers. After getting into the balloon basket, Graham ensured that the man’s bag with all his money, passport and other belongings are stored away under the bench safely before departing. He did not need anything to fall off while they were midair.

No sooner did he start his engine, the man had a childlike smile and a reminiscing expression on his face. Graham had met every kind of people on his work and he realized that this man would most likely be missing his wife, who would mostly be dead (otherwise she would have been with him). But then it was none of his business so he did not make any comment.

All through the journey, the man was excited and asked a lot of questions. Graham answered them to the best of his knowledge. Soon the trip came to an end. While he was descending, Graham asked the old man, “Sir, would you mind telling me when it was your wife passed away?”

The old man looked curiously at Graham. “What makes you think it’s for my wife that I am doing this?”

Suddenly Graham started questioning his judgement. “In all of my time flying this ship, this had been the most common of reasons I have seen for people making the hot air balloon trip solo. But please pardon me if I made a wrong judgement. It is, surely, none of my business on your reason for the trip.”

The old man gave his standard chuckle. “Son, when you reach my age, you realize that life is after all, a collection of moments you enjoy. Anything other than is wasted time. This solo hot air balloon trip had been my gift to myself. There is no reminiscence or stroll down the memory lane for me on this trip. It is a trip purely for me.”

Graham was intrigued. He asked if the old man would have a few moments to join him for a drink before going his way. The old man agreed and they went to a local pub. Soon after they ordered their drinks, Graham plunged in “Sir, I am very curious. I have never met anyone who has said such a thing to me. Would you mind telling me your story?”

The old man smiled “First of all, my name is Jacob. You could call me that instead of Sir. Before I answer your question, I would like to know something. Why are you interested to know my story?”

Graham shook his head sadly. “I had taken up this job long time back because I was interested to talk to people. I used to enjoy listening to tales from foreigners and their travel experiences. I always wanted to travel but having no proper education; I couldn’t get myself a well-paying job and eventually had to settle for minimum wage work. But I lived my life through the stories told to me by my passengers. Gradually, I started resenting hearing those stories. I couldn’t travel with my salary and listening to these stories started making me feel inadequate. So I stopped talking to people. With you, I really do not know what made me ask the question but now, I am glad I did. Does my answer satisfy your curiosity?”

Jacob laughed listening to this. “Listening to you makes me feel like I am listening to myself, albeit with a slight twist. My story goes like this – Right from childhood, I was expected to match certain expectations. There never was a chance for me to even make a dream of my own. After graduation, I started working. I got married at a very young age. We had children soon after and I had to work very hard to sustain my family. I was working till I could retire, and after that, it was work again to take care of my children’s offspring. There were always expectations and responsibilities forced upon me which I had no choice but to abide to. First, it was parents, then wife and later on, children. There was never a chance for me to do something of my interest.”

A wistful look crossed Jacob’s face. “A few years back, my wife passed away. When my grandkids grew up and started taking care of themselves, my children sent me off to an old age home. I decided now was the time I could do something for myself. I had enough money saved up from my work. I am capable enough to travel on my own. I know I am healthy enough to sustain without anyone’s support for some more time. But I also know that my days are numbered. So I decided that I shall die doing something that I like to do. All my life I wanted to travel. In the earlier days, my wife was never interested in going anywhere further than her parent’s home. Soon, with other responsibilities, my travel dreams only resided in my diary. But now I am living my dream. Even if I die tomorrow, I will die with no regrets.”

Graham held on his breath while listening to this story. His mind was numb with emotions. After a few more minutes of chatter, Jacob got up and left. He had to go to sleep early due to his age and the day’s excitement.

It was time, Graham decided, to re-evaluate his life. Jacob had to wait till his old age to follow his dream. But Graham had nothing holding him back. He was able and had no dependents. He could travel and fulfil his dream. He could do odd jobs while on travel which would pay for his trips. After all, people do that every day, then why not him? It was time now, to stop procrastinating and start to take life by its horns and start living.

Source – Fast Company

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